
The Bully on the Block

(Op-Ed: June 2006)

"Americans are addicted to foreign oil!!"

Actually, Americans are not "addicted" to foreign oil.  We are not even dependent upon foreign oil.  American-heavy, Standard  Oil descendents and petroleum giants (once seven, now four sisters: Exxon/Mobil Royal Dutch/shell BP/America Chevron/Texaco) actually own or control the earth's petroleum reservoirs, production, transportation, refineries and reserves.  USDoE reports demostrate that the US is the largest importer of oil--but these records are vague concerning the business of securing oil "upstream" --buying low and selling high to our foreign neighbors, avoiding messy paperwork and taxes, and obscuring this dimension of "importing"--that is, oil procured, not for use here (unless it is cheaper to do so than utilizing our own), but rather for profit.

Arabia couldn't even get the oil out of the ground when oil was "discovered" in the sand in the early part of the 20th century.  King Ibn Saud finally "united" the Arab territories as Saudi Arabia about the time American oil interests sucessfully drilled, 1932.

In the 18th–19th century an Islamic reform group known as the Wahhābī joined with the Saʿūd dynasty to take control of most of central Arabia; they suffered political setbacks but regained most of their territory by 1904. The British held Saudi lands as a protectorate (1915–27), after which they acknowledged the sovereignty of the Kingdom of the Hejaz and Nejd. The two kingdoms were unified as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932.
[my emphasis added]

Originally, King Saud wasn't interested in oil; he merely wanted to locate sources of water and to strengthen/stabilize the country's desperate economy. And since the former territories had previously been British protectorates (see: above), he really didn't want the British involved. Fortunately for the King and Standard Oil,  the same drilling techniques that had proved successful for pulling water out of the ground, also proved efficient for obtaining petroleum.  Who then presented the King with the technology to store the oil, refine it, and take it to market, you ask? Who helped to enrich the Arabian economy? Standard Oil of California, of NY, and New Jersey, and Texaco, (they later changed their names to ARAMCO) negotiated with the King for 100% interest in production, refining, and distribution of Saudi petroleum and all its by-products.  (A look at this in more detail here.)

Oh, to be sure, the Saudis made out well.  In fact the original deal and its concessions proved so mutually beneficial that last year the
 Saudis celebrated the 75th anniversary of the deal, despite the apparent "nationalization" of ARAMCO to Saudi Aramco--

2008 Saudi Aramco celebrates the 75th anniversary of the May 29, 1933, signing of the oil concession between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Standard Oil of California (Socal). King Abdullah visits Dhahran to celebrate the 75th anniversary. [my emphasis added]

Then, (and this is my favorite part) as part of our mutually beneficial concession agreement, Saudi.Arabia (similar to many familiar oil-producing  countries) was required to "buy" our national debt, on terms we dictated (read on for terms).  --
(The following year, Kuwait signed a similar concession agreement.)
US aims to assure Gulf on debts   (Monday 13 Jul, 2009)

Saudi Arabia and other Gulf holders of billions of dollars of US debt will be seeking assurance on the US econ-omy when Timothy Geithner, the US Secretary visits the region this week, econ-omists said yesterday.

Amid calls from Russia, China and now France for a new global reserve curr-ency, Geithner will have to sell a vision of recovery even as the US economy continues to falter, the economists said.

“Secretary Geithner’s visit will be like a progress report on the state of the US economy,” said econ-omist John Sfakianakis.

“Since Saudi Arabia is a very important holder of US paper, some explanation about the state of the US economy” is necessary from the top US finance official, Sfakianakis said.

On Tuesday, Geithner arrives in Jeddah, the Red Sea business centre where much of the Saudi govern-ment has repaired for the summer months. He will address the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry and will meet top officials, including possibly King Abdullah.

On Wednesday, he is sche-duled to meet with UAE  officials and the heads of two of the UAE’s main public investment funds.

Economists said the key US interest is making sure the petro-economies of the Gulf keep most of their foreign reserves in dollar-based assets, especially US Treasury debt.
“This is a reassurance trip,” a UAE-based economist who works for a govern-ment agency told the Dow Jones Newswires. “Geithner wants to let Abu Dhabi and Saudi know that their investments in the US are safe,” he added.

Geithner will also likely pitch for more Saudi and UAE investment in the US, according to a Treasury official who speaking in Washington yesterday.
Who named the terms of such agreements and the exchange rates?  Who sets up Central Banks in oil-producing countries around the world, and threatens any foreign government's leaders (many of whom we put in place to maintain our interests) when they try to change the terms of our oil "agreement" or nationalize their resources--who declares war on, or "removes" that country's leader?  All good questions.

Whew!  And.....let's see, who gave us "Shock-n-awe" when Saddam threatened to change the terms of our prior agreement (gold and US treasury notes) by trading in Euros? 

Who also lifted the Chinese out of their dependence on whale oil (for illumination) at the turn of the century and persuaded them to purchase cheaper (more efficient) petroleum, and subsequently helped to set up their "oil economy" just like the others ? H-mm. Who then controls the global flow of oil, the price of oil, and the price of gold, and foreign economy via central banks et al?  And now why does our current administration appear to be driving our economy into the toilet?  Is it so our national debt can be repaid at a lower rate than it was purchased, or is somebody just being taught a valuable lesson? 

Who really sits atop the largest oil fields on the planet? (One of our Alaskan fields alone is allegedly capable of producing enough low sulfur-content high grade petroleum .09%--at artesian pressure, I might add--projected to be able to service the needs of the entire North American continent for 200 years)?  Who capped those very rich wells so the price of oil would rise in the 80's and bulge our reserves? (See: this) Who set up ANWR to secure those capped Alaskan wells and create a smokescreen of environmentalism in order to obfuscate pubic knowledge of their efficiency, and, in most cases, of their existence?  
Who owns at least a controlling interest in every single oil field of any significance on this planet?  Who really controls the price per barrel of oil, OPEC?  Ha, ha, ha....And those who maintain controlling interests in energy, mass communication, transportation, and distribution to market--likewise do not regulate the economies of all energy-producing, refining or facilitating countries on earth (through central banks). Our diplomatic liaisons never coerced non-technologically advanced countries into financial arrangements which included buying our national debt "high", though we intended to repay that debt "low"--they also are implementing plans to use Eminent Domain to secure (privately owned) land right here in our homeland in order to horde and preserve such resources for themselves (See; "Eminent Domain," UN's "Agenda 21", and "Sustainability", and the "UN Biodiversity Treaty/Agreement"); who also control the technology and our laws and Congress itself, in order to do so.  You probably aren't going to believe the next part either, so just turn on ESPN and go back to sleep.

Since the FCC deregulated ownership of the media in 2003, unholy media mergers have metastasized, swallowing up television and radio stations, satellite channels, newspapers, bus stop benches (yes), sports arenas, stadiums and concert halls, so as to further control what we see, hear, and want (see; Clear Channel Communications monopoly, to begin)-- all the while our government continues expanding the most extensive military and technological "reach" since Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, and the Brits ever envisioned themselves inviolable empires (see:Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard). Think they are going to bring back the Draft? Nah. Destroying the economy and limiting our options, will force more 17- 42 year olds into recruiting offices, lured by the prospect of "regular pay".

And keeping the world in constant fear ( you know--terrorists, dirty bombs, H1N1, orange alert, smallpox, swine flu, avian flu) by means of monopolized tools of propaganda (TV, movies, radio, music, newspapers) has proven wholly effective, because every successful tyrant knows that generating continual FEAR is how to control people. Remember, he who controls the illusion--information, transportation, communication, natural resources, and energy--controls the future.  (Remember the little man behind the screen in the Wizard of Oz?)  I suspect that our next natural resource to be controlled will be water. See: Boone Pickens.  We have already learned from
Iraq that  controlling energy and water, are successfuls tool of domination. 

And who relies on our endemic mass ignorance and indifference in order to succeed...

Thank God Jesus knew what we were capable of becoming (you won't hear that sermon coming from the Pharisees).  Thank God He is bigger than this quintessential darkness we have become.  Just because we are comfortably asleep at the wheel, doesn't mean we are not each and everyone complicit--see: "accessory after the fact."

In the final chapter, we won't be spared greed's inevitable consequences, but those who seek The Lord's face will find comfort in His light as the darkness hastens its inevitable descent.  

A couple of helpful books you might want to investigate:
Ida Tarbell's The History of Standard Oil Company
Daniel Yergin's The Prize
Zbigniew_Brzezinski's The Grand Chessboard
G. Edward Griffin's The Creature From Jekyll Island
The agency which regulates oil and gas industry in Texas - the Texas Railroad Commission,  A source of energy references from UT
Those agencies which regulate on a federal level -
DOI Minerals Management Service
DOE Natural Gas Regulatory Program, including the Office and Gas Global Security and Supply

Thanks for listening.
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